英語(vital data in Toilet)

The Vital Data You Flush Down the Toilet | Newsha Ghaeli | TED - YouTube


Wastewater epidemiology has been very small scientific area but after covid19, this area has grown a lot.

Suwage from waster water gives us a lot of information about that city by analysing its composite. For example, we can see the spread of drug.

During pandemic, there has been strong correlation between the number of covid case and the density of Sars virus, though the former became smaller than the latter after the later 2022 because people take less PCR examination. 

Some city (maybe Boston) used this data for the hospital management activity. Data shows that waste water examation can be used as earliy indicator of spread of Covid19. And when the symptom is observed, they reduced the hopitalization for non-emergency illness to prepare for Covid 19 treatment.